Why Should We Pray for Unreached People Groups?

– Missions & salvation of all people is God’s plan, God’s will, God’s heart, God’s dream (Genesis 3:15)

– In the Great Commissions Jesus commands us to reach all peoples in the world (Matthew 28:19-20)

– People without Jesus are eternally lost, & Jesus is the only One who can save them (John 14:6)!

– We have been given “the ministry & message of reconciliation,” in Christ(2 Corinthians 5:18-20)

– Jesus’ return is intimately tied to reaching all people groups (Matthew 24:14; Revelation 7:9)

– Jesus commanded us to pray to Him to send workers into the harvest ( Luke 10:2)

– If we love Jesus, we will want to obey and please Him (John 14:15)

How Should We Pray for Unreached People Groups?

– Pray for great revival on the Church to cleanse, empower and send them out to the lost

– Pray for great outpouring of God’s Spirit on the people group bringing conviction of sin

– Pray for clear, biblical dreams and visions and revelations drawing people to Jesus

– Pray for powerful, biblical signs and wonders of healing, deliverance and miracles

– Pray that God will send more workers into His harvest in obedience to Luke 10:2

– Pray for great people movements to Christ and Church Planting Movements

– Pray that new converts will be biblically discipled and will grow in Jesus!

God Answers Prayers for UPGs

An example are the Cholanaikkans of Kerala, South India. In the late 1960s the Cholanaikkans of Kerala, South India were discovered living in caves and completely unreached. Local Kerala Christians began praying for them and sent church planting teams to reach them. Within a few years the Cholanaikkans’ lives improved, many became believers in Jesus, and a church was built with half the Cholanaikkans attending, Praise the Lord!